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  • CNR-ISB Italy


    CNR-ISB, Institute for Biological Systems of the National Research Council

    The National Research Council, CNR, is the main Italian body dedicated to scientific research and is made up of 115 institutes organized in 7 departments. The institution has over 8000 employees including 5000 graduates. The main institutional task of the CNR is to produce research of excellence and strategic relevance at an international level.
    The Institute of Biological Systems, CNR-ISB, belongs to the Department of Agro-food and Biological Research (DISBA). It consists of 33 employees, of which 21 are researchers. The mission of the CNR-ISB is the development of sustainable technologies, processes and materials to improve the quality of life and the environment.
    Thanks to a research staff with complementary and highly interdisciplinary skills, ranging from the various sectors of chemistry, to biology, physics and geology, ISB is engaged in three main thematic areas: food and agriculture, health, and environment & cultural heritage. The common objectives to the activities carried out by the institute are the improvement of basic knowledge in the aforementioned sectors and the practical applications that the scientific products developed can find, but also the dissemination and diffusion of the developed technologies, both towards the business sector both in the field of education and higher education.
    Among the research activities carried out by CNR-ISB, those directly linked to the CHERISH project are the following:

    • Technologies for soil improvement, aimed at developing new technologies and innovative materials to reduce water consumption in agriculture.
    • Environmental diagnostics and technologies for the abatement of pollutants and pathogens, aimed at monitoring the environment and developing new technologies to determine bacteria in water and air in domestic environments, as well as to reduce the content of volatile organic compounds (VOC), fine particulate matter and bacteria in the environment.
    • Study, diagnosis and treatment of cultural heritage and works of art, aimed at the advanced characterization of the state of conservation of cultural heritage and the development of innovative materials for their restoration.

    In addition, ISB has a consolidated experience in VET and higher education, mainly gained through:

    • Participation to various Erasmus+ projects dedicated to the VET System, such as “EN-VET: Environmental Sustainability in the VET System: a Powerful Tool for the Future” that has been recently recognized as Good Practice Example in the Erasmus+ Programme;
    • Joint activities with Italian High Schools performed regularly within the framework of the National Didactic Programme “Alternanza Scuola Lavoro”, which is dedicated to high school students and aimed at offering formative experiences that combine school study with vocational courses.

    In the CHERISH project, CNR-ISB collaborates with STEMP, the CNR structure that supports the General Manager in the fulfillment of the internal performance measurement and evaluation. Moreover, for specific activities required for the realization of the didactic modules, CNR-ISB involved colleagues of CNR-IGAG – Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering and CNR-ISAFoM – Insitute for Agricultural and Forestry System of the Mediterranean Area.

    Contact Persons:
    Piero Ciccioli piero.ciccioli @
    Riccardo Coratella riccardo.coratella @

  • ERFAP Lazio Italy

    ERFAP Lazio

    Erfap Lazio is a vocational training organisation, born in 2000 with 15 staff members, 3 offices in the Lazio region (Roma, Latina and Sora -FR-). It is accredited by Region Lazio and have got the Quality Standard ISO 9001. It main aims are: support the employment and the economic growth in the region with vocational training & guidance and socio-economic Researches activities. It has a strong relation with the educational and productive system in the region and with the trade unions and the labour market. Numerous and significant projects are dedicated to workers or to non-employed they are carried out with paid courses or through professional funds, in direct relationship with the interested companies. Specific training courses are offered to migrants via “special utilities” regional program, where we were selected.

    Contact person: Dr. Pietro Ragni
    E-mail: ragnigsfe @

  • AllWEB Sollutions SA Greece

    AllWEB Sollutions SA

    AllWEB Sollutions SA
    Founded in 1992, Allweb focuses on providing professional IT services for data – driven businesses. Our company develops state-of-the-art solutions which unlock the power of organizations historical or real time data and enables them to improve their performance in parallel with reductions to their operating costs.

    About us
    Allweb is an information technology consultancy specializing in Big Data applications, Business Analytics solutions, Internet of Things implementations and eLearning (content, apps, games).
    Today companies are transforming their businesses by leveraging the power of Big Data and Business Analytics.
    Our solutions include a portfolio of technology platforms and professional services to unlock the potential of data.
    Whether in the form of data management tools, dashboards, tablet reporting, high speed databases, budgeting systems, Allweb implements advanced solutions to enable companies to manage and analyze data in real time.
    Our dedicated consultants is a multi-disciplinary team of professionals with strong backgrounds in business analysis, data analysis, data science, project management, software development and system integration.
    Allweb over the last 20+ years has delivered successfully over 450 projects to clients in the Government, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Health, Utilities, and provided solutions for IT, Finance, HR, Sales, Marketing and Operations departments.

    Our people
    We are a talented team of 19 full time professionals with complementary skillsets. In our team you can find data architects, data scientists, business analysts, developers, system administrators and admin stuff.
    The experience of the members of our team in both technical and business consulting engagements creates a unique combination of qualifications that is capable to bridge the technical knowledge with business needs and vice versa. Due to the strong technical background which is in the heart of our team.
    Allweb can practically take over and deliver any technical challenge, ranging from the development of simple web applications to highly demanding data mining and data analysis software tools, while the team members have the knowledge and business thinking to identify and utilize the value that is generated through the technical capabilities that are provided by existing or newly developed software.

    Allweb has 28 years of expertise in eLearning content development, eTutoring, eLearning Management and eLearning Consulting Services. The last 5 Years have developed expertize in the following aspects: Serious Games, Automated Course Authoring, Wearable Tech Training (implementation), Responsive Learning Management Systems all combined with cloud a big data infrastructure.

    Contact Persons:
    Thanasis Lekkas – alekkas @
    Gianna Ioannidou – gioannidou @

  • University of Salamanca – General Foundation Spain

    University of Salamanca – General Foundation

    University of Salamanca – General Foundation
    University of Salamanca – General Foundation (hereinafter FUNGUSAL), has extensive experience in the fields of education, knowledge management, education and training of young people. FUNGUSAL is a public non-profit organization established in 1998 Its main purpose is to cooperate and assist the different departments of the University in the development of its activities and projects; together with the conservation of the cultural heritage of the University, one of the most important of the Spanish historical heritage.

    The University-Enterprise Department aims to promote relations between the University of Salamanca and any public or private institution, in relation with any area of mutual interest. Some examples are:

    • Organization of training programmes in enterprises for students and recently graduated students and VET students (in regional, national and international enterprises)
    • Coordination of the Institutional and Business programme of the University
    • Participation in European and International projects and programmes
    • Promotion of the culture and innovation activities in SMEs

    Contacts: Coordinator of European projects: Alberto Hernandez Gudino
    E-mail: ahgudino @

  • CCI-Dobrich Bulgariа


    The Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Dobrich is an autonomous non-governmental organisation established to support local entrepreneurial activities and to enhance regional economic development and prosperity. The Chamber’s main goals include the encouragement of international trade and investment as well as serving as a reliable representative of its local members at the national and international level.The Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Dobrich offers its members and external clients a comprehensive portfolio of consultation and information services, including: trade register entries, certification of official documentation, information on investment, funding and partnership opportunities, access to international databases, a full package of business services for company missions, international fairs and company presentations, qualification seminars and courses, business planning, market research, specific contracts with foreign companies, legislative (national and European Union law) accounting consultations, translations and legislation services. Built on the foundations of the former Euro Info Centre, in 2008 the Dobrich Chamber became a regional node within the larger information and consultation network for enterprises established by the European Commission – the Enterprise Europe Network. Within this network the Chamber provides services on innovative development, business co-operation, and participation in national and international programmes to the North East planning region.

    The 200 members of the chamber include: electrical and construction maintenance and repair companies, manufacturers of construction supplies, a college of technology, engineering and construction companies, agricultural equipment and machinery manufacturers, agricultural and food producers, touristic companies, etc. The Chamber supports innovation and research in these companies by providing free advice for its members as well as in the inclusion of databases for business cooperation.

    Contact person: Vesselina Syoyanova

  • Eurotracks France



    Créé en 2014, Eurotracks est un organisme de formation français spécialisé dans la gestion de programmes européens de mobilité et d’éducation.
    Eurotracks intervient notamment sur :

    • La recherche et le développement dans le domaine des Sciences de l’Education, de la Formation et des Ressources Humaines (Master 1 & 2 à l’Université de Cergy, formation des référents mobilité dans les CFA)
    • La mobilité européenne (participation à la mobilité européenne des savoir-faire, échanges et transferts de compétence par l’intégration d’un stage européen dans le parcours de jeunes et d’adultes)
    • Des projets stratégiques Erasmus+ liés à la formation en France et en Europe.

    L’objectif de ces différentes activités déployées par Eurotracks est de promouvoir le partage de connaissances au niveau européen et la formation de qualité tout au long de la vie.

    Contact :
    Virginie BOUTIER – European Project Manager
    Email : contact @
    Website :