CHERISH Multiplier event in Salamanca
CHERISH multiplier event was held at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Salamanca. It was attended by more than 90 students and recent university graduates, as well as university professors.
In the act participated:
– Rodrigo Morchón: professor at the University of Salamanca. He introduced the act.
– Pietro Ragni: coordinator of the Cherish project. He gave a presentation of the Cherish project.
– Piero Ciccioli: Coordinator of the Cherish Project. Made a presentation on the methodological approach developed for the Project
– Federico Tresierra: Head of Human Resources at the multinational company Merck Sharp & Dohme. His presentation dealt with the presentation of the company, the selection process mechanisms used in the company when recruiting qualified personnel and the company strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Code.