The introductory didactic program aims to provide VET teachers and trainers with the main concepts on sustainable management of NRGs. To this purpose, the program has been organized in three modules, each of which has been dedicated to present the selected topics on the light of one of the three dimensions of sustainable development. Moreover, each module contains a sub-module specifically dedicated to introduce the type of sustainable tourism that mainly acts in the same dimension of sustainable development which is presented in the respective main module.
Each module consists of three items.
- A didactic handbook aimed at providing teachers and trainers with information useful to introduce, present and possibly deepen the contents of didactic presentations to the students. This document is organized accordingly to a format of lesson planning that allows teachers to easily add notes on concepts that they want to stress and highlight during the lessons, write some key messages that they consider useful to transmit to students, draft examples useful to better explain the concepts introduced in the corresponding part of the didactic handbook.
- A didactic presentation consisting of a set of slides designed to present the main contents of the module to the students.
- A questionnaire developed in accordance with the ECVET standard criteria and dedicated to assess the students’ understanding of the main contents of the module.