Erfap Lazio is a vocational training organisation, born in 2000 with 15 staff members, 3 offices in the Lazio region (Roma, Latina and Sora -FR-). It is accredited by Region Lazio and have got the Quality Standard ISO 9001. It main aims are: support the employment and the economic growth in the region with vocational training & guidance and socio-economic Researches activities. It has a strong relation with the educational and productive system in the region and with the trade unions and the labour market. Numerous and significant projects are dedicated to workers or to non-employed they are carried out with paid courses or through professional funds, in direct relationship with the interested companies. Specific training courses are offered to migrants via “special utilities” regional program, where we were selected.
Contact person: Dr. Pietro Ragni
E-mail: ragnigsfe @ yahoo.it
Website: www.erfaplazio.org